Friday, October 19, 2012

The Giver Post 1: Ideal Community

Shelby and I decided that our ideal community would be a sustainable community. We would also raise our own animals for food. Everyone is given 10 acres when they come to our community so they can start easy and just begin to build their farm. We also have free education, and free healthcare, and each family is allowed to have two kids only so we can control the population a little bit. We can also control the wheather so it is much easier to take care of our crops and the condition of our animals so they do not get sick.


  1. I like how you girls had the ideal about growing all of your food. That is kind of the same as my thoughts on society. I would want to grow all of my own food as well. It just seems like it would be a lot of work?

  2. Your community was really good. It really represents the country girl in you
