When Ms. Mott said we had to do a blog again for English 1A I was worried because before this class I did not think I could write very well. I soon figured out that it is fun, it is not just something to turn in to get a good grade. Writing is something you feel, and I was able to express myself through pictures and fonts, and colors on the blog. It was a lot of fun for me. I am sad that this class is ending, I found something in myself that I did not know was there. I am confident in my writing and I learaned how to write in different ways this semester. This class and blogging really set me up for other English classes to come and I am really thankful for that. Ms. Mott you have always been a teacher that I mesh well with and you have showed me how to enjoy writing. I wish you taught other English classes! You impacted my life a lot.Thank you!!
Thank you for bringing your positive attitude and motivation to our class. I'm glad you have found something in writing that you connect with, and I hope you will keep expressing yourself in some format, as you have a lot to share with the world.